Flexface Signs
A face to
die for.

Flexface signs are a versatile product that allows for full colour graphics in any size and shape with the option for internal or halo lit illumination.
Available in illuminated and non illuminated options, Flexface signs consist of a lightweight aluminium box – usually powder coated and a flexible PVC ‘skin’ or face that is tensioned around the edges of the box to give a seamless finish.
The PVC banner ‘skin’ is specifically printed for backlit applications to allow for the light to illuminate the banner graphic from edge to edge.
Flexface sign systems were developed for a number of reasons.
- The maximum sheet size in most rigid board materials is 3m x 2m. This means that any sign over this sixe requires a joint and a secure joint strip. When signs are placed at high level these joints can work loose over time as a result of high winds, causing the sign to become unsightly or in some cases unsafe.
- We are able to print PVC skins at a maximum width of 5m by any length which means our flexface signs do not need a joint on the face. This is particularly important if the sign is illuminated from the rear as it means the front of the sign is seamless.
- We can colour match the aluminium box as well as the PVC skin to any RAL or Pantone reference.
- Flexface sign and sign boxes are available in a number of different profiles and sizes including single and double sided options.
As well as manufacturing rectangular shapes, we also supply flexface signs in various shapes and sizes including circular, triangular, hexagonal and irregular shapes.
Illuminated Flexface Signs
All our illuminated flexface signs are supplied with Sloan LED chain lighting fitted as standard. Sloan LED’s are an industry leading product and are available in white(s) plus a wide range of colours – call us today for a full list of available options.
Why LED lighting?
LED lighting – A light‑emitting diode (LED) is a solid‑state semiconductor device that converts electrical energy directly into light. The efficiency of a light source is simply the fraction of electrical energy converted to light (i.e., watts of visible light produced for each watt of electrical power with no concern about the wavelength where the energy is being radiated). LEDs have many advantages over incandescent light sources including lower energy consumption, longer lifetime, improved physical robustness, smaller size, and faster switching.
In short – LED lights consume less energy than conventional halogen lighting. They last much longer and are far easier to maintain.
For competitive prices and a personal service on all your Built Up Signage requirements, call us on 0161 707 8886. We’ll answer the phone within a few rings and provide you with immediate assistance and discuss how we can create a truly special Built Up Sign of your own.
Flexface signs are a bespoke product so are available in virtually any size or shape to suit your requirements.
We can usually manufacture and install Flexface signs in 2 – 3 weeks from receipt of your official order.
We can usually offer headline prices on Flexface signs at the point of your enquiry.
After this we will arrange a site survey to confirm specific pricing and specifications for things like transport and installation.